Online Writing Workshop, July 17th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Tickets £12-£15 from https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/writing-folk-horror-with-alex-davis-tickets-652820021257
The Workshop:
With folk horror undergoing a resurgence, the fields and the forests look darker than ever. But how do you go about writing in this exciting subgenre, and what do you need to know before you start? In this session we’ll explore the definition of folk horror, look at some key examples both past and present, serve up a series of writing tips and techniques and get you thinking about your own tales with a writing exercise.
Learning Goals:
- To define what we mean by folk horror and distinguish it from other subgenres.
- To examine key examples of folk horror both modern and classic.
- To offer writing advice on how to create great stories in the form.
- To develop a folk horror plotline through a writing exercise.
Alex Davis:
Alex Davis is a writer, lecturer, writing coach and event organiser based in Derby. Much of his work has specialised in horror and the gothic, and he is the creator and organiser of the UK Ghost Story Festival as well as the ongoing Darkness in the Fields series of folk horror events. He has also spent time working in publishing and is an associate lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Derby.
Tickets cost £12 for NWS Members and £15 for General Admission. Book your place via Eventbrite, or email us to arrange alternative payment. To find out more about joining NWS, head to our membership page.
This workshop will be delivered online via Zoom. A link with access instructions will be emailed to you shortly before the workshop is due to start. Please check your spam folder! If you have any questions about using Zoom, please email us at [email protected].
Date & Time:
17th July 2023, 18:30-20:30.
Tickets £12-£15 from https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/writing-folk-horror-with-alex-davis-tickets-652820021257