20,000 words and only three chapters?

by David Castanho
28th April 2014

Hi everyone,

I have only wrote three chapters and a prolouge so far, but I have already reached 20,000 words. Am I doing something right here or am I not ment to be at that word count at this particular stage of my writing?


Don't stress about word counts! Just be confident in hour story telling :)

You could always share some for us to read??

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Rachel N

Thank you Jonathan for the advise and thank to you to Adrian for writing that lengthy piece, super helpful so big thank you

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My tips on chapters.

Chapters should advance the plot, storyline and the protagonist’s growth throughout the novel. Every chapter should contain a dramatic landmark, a vital issue that needs to be resolved later in the novel.

The sequence of dramatic events causes the protagonist to adapt to his/her rapidly changing circumstances as he/she strives to achieve their aims.

You would struggle to find chapters of more than twelve pages in most contemporary novels. Short chapters of five or six pages are common. Chapters can be as short as three, four pages in length, but it’s not advisable for them to be less than three pages.

However chapters of half a page or a page can be used to great effect. For example, to draw the readers’ attention to a vital part of the storyline and plot that involves the protagonist.

It is not necessary for chapters to be uniform in length.

Chapters should have broad themes, yet be strong as a unit.

A chapter should link with the preceding and following chapter.

Chapters should end with a cliff-hanger or a hook.

Each chapter should be a water-tight, self-contained episode.

I hope that helps


Good luck.

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