Amazon reviews deleted - just me?

by Richard T Weston
1st January 2017

I've had at least 4 reviews deleted by Amazon, leaving me with just one! Those deleted are all Facebook Friends or became friends after writing a review.

It appears that making new friends through writing isn't always such a good idea. As a result, I have added a request on my Amazon Biography, for readers not to send me friend requests.

Is anyone else having similar issues?


I'm guessing that if Stephen Fry gave a rave (Amazon) review to a new novel by Hugh Laurie, it wouldn't get erased...

Just one more case of "Once you're in, you're IN, but until you're famous... the servants' entrance is down the basement steps, and it's the maid's day off."

Amazon make money out of selling your books

You'd think that they'd ENCOURAGE positive reviews!

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Only honest reviews please Jimmy! Even I don't think that "When Life Deals you Melons" is worthy of 5 Stars! Especially if you're not dyslexic.

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Richard T
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Richard T Weston

I guessed this might be the case. One lost was just a 'friend of a friend' and as we apparently can link to everyone via 7 such links, Amazon is going to run out of reviews if they continue in this direction.

Why they leave many older books alone bothers me. When some have hundreds of 5 star reviews all saying things like 'good' - "reviewer0716", "reviewer0717" etc.? Maybe these writers spend out on Amazon promotions?

Boy, I'm I feeling very cynical today!

I've written and asked for my reviews back - I'm not holding my breath for a reply!

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Richard T
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Richard T Weston