Amazon reviews deleted - just me?

by Richard T Weston
1st January 2017

I've had at least 4 reviews deleted by Amazon, leaving me with just one! Those deleted are all Facebook Friends or became friends after writing a review.

It appears that making new friends through writing isn't always such a good idea. As a result, I have added a request on my Amazon Biography, for readers not to send me friend requests.

Is anyone else having similar issues?


Hi, Richard!

What a shitty practice! I don't have anything on Amazon, but here on W&As I got trolled by someone upset at my (well-meant, constructive) criticism of their shared work.

So - according to Lorraine - friends are banned but personal foes aren't. Just another glory of the FB-Google-YouTube-Amazon Empire.

Please don't "unfriend" me on FB. I enjoy your posts. I can review you on Amazon via Wilhelmina or Emilie: both FB-haters.

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Richard, this is happening to a lot of people. I saw a FB post by an author about this only yesterday. Any review by anyone who can be thought of as having a tie to the author is being removed. Seems they're doing a spot of snooping on FB accounts.

Since a lot of writers advertise on FB and accept friendships from readers there, that strikes me as very unfair.

The corollary of this is that trolling reviews aren't being taken down even when the author requests it. Amazon have got it wrong again.


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