
by Penny Gadd
8th November 2016

How useful have other members found a blog as a means of showcasing their fiction?

I've just started one (it's on Wordpress at in case you're interested). I'm hoping it's not going to be a waste of time that would be better spent writing, though.

What have you found, fellow writers?


Hi Penny,

sorry I'm late to the conversation, but would like to echo what Helen said - blogging has been brilliant for me too. I'm on wordpress too and they run blogging 101 courses several times a year if you're a bit of a tech novice as I was.

I've been blogging for 2 years and only have 1000 or so followers, but the benefits have been huge for me. I'm starting to build a 'fanbase' - I know I have a good slew of sales guaranteed from any book I publish in the future through good relationships I've made. The writing practice has been terrific- I take part in a lot of writing prompts every week and writing flash has honed my style. I even got my first paid writing job with Mslexia through blogging and then there's the support you'll get from other writers - I've met several other writers who will read my work and feedback and most of them are across the Atlantic! And when you've just had a rejection it's brilliant to have a place to go where people love your work - a proper ego boost.

I would never, ever say it was a waste of time, but you do have to be strict with yourself I think. I've spent weeks of my writing time reading and commenting on other people's work and while that's a great way to build your fanbase (you really have to get out and get involved and be generous with your time) you have to put the brakes on at times or you'll never get that novel finished!

I'll pop over and check out your blog now and do visit me if you're interested at

All the very best and enjoy your blogging journey :)

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As with writing I found time is the main problem. With my own blog I started off planning to do one post a month - not too difficult even given it's a fairly specialist subject. That worked well for a couple of years - even had some posts re-published in an anthology - but life then got in the way as it often does. My only consolation is I'm not writing anything else, either, so it's a general malaise rather than just the blog.

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Hi Penny!

Happy blogger here as well - I blog at I started blogging just over two years ago, and I believe I wouldn't be the writer I am now, nor have the audience I do, without blogging. I've learned so much about publishing, writing and promotion, won writing competitions, honed my voice and met a wonderful worldwide community, many of whom I would now consider friends. I've even contributed blog posts to this site, and that was as a direct result of running my own blog.

The key is to get out there and interact with other blogs, especially if you want to attract people to your own blog. There are writing prompts and competitions running every day of the week, which is a great way to work on your own writing skills as well as 'meet' other bloggers. One prompt I completed led to an idea for a new book, so they can certainly be worth doing.

Good luck with your blog - I really hope it works for you :) Will head on over and check it out x

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