Organisation Calling Itself 'IPR License'

by jim mcgrory
22nd March 2013

I have had an email from the above organisation.

Beginning with the headline question "are you looking for a publisher or an agent?" they are offering me a "...ground-breaking platform (on) writers can list their work, add a preview, (which) it will then automatically be entered in the search used by Member Publishers and Agencies from around the world".

Basically for 95 quid they will put your name on a list somewhere, to be seen somewhere, by someone at some time.

Am I being cynical in thinking that this is a complete waste of money, (especially as the original headline appears deceptive to say the least)?


I eventually got an email from Tom Chalmers of this organsation who states categorically that he 'isn't a publisher' - which is strange because Legend Press was nominated for, er, Independent Publisher of the Year the head of which is, er, Tom Chalmers.

So, in addition to using the email addresses of authors (who have submitted work to them in good faith) for marketing purposes without permission, they also tell lies. Charming or perhaps I should say Chalming; there's a new verb - to be Chalmed.

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jim mcgrory

The same organisation has now emailed me again to say that "since sending the (previous) email we have received a huge number of author enquiries"; they don't say what number constitutes 'huge', nor do they say how many out of the huge number have actually signed up.

They got one thing right though, they said it was "fantastic" - it is, literally!

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jim mcgrory

Ann - just for info, I take it you know it's unnecessary to register copyright of written work in the UK?

Obviously it's an entirely personal choice whether you do or not :)

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