People come people go

by damien Isaak
11th March 2014

After an illness of nine months I've only just come back to writers and artists website. They're clearly doesn't seem to be many people using this site lately.

Looking through peoples shared work I can see that not many people get much support or comments. Some people have a handful of comments some have one or two some go without a single comment.

What's your reasoning for not commenting on a shared work? Do you only comment on people that comment back to you or is it if the subject suits then you feel fit to leave a comment. My reason... I try not to be judgemental when I am no expert myself.


Wonder not long Pablo, upload and be viewed... bit like publish and be damned, or maybe not.

Think that was one of those times it sounds better in the head than on paper. hey ho!

Regards Paul.

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If my question has come across as abrupt or a criticism then please accept my apologies as this was not my intention for the question.

I was merely curious to why people do or do not leave a comment so I was not aiming for an argument.... Linda Fox. We're all ammeters and have a working life with family friends and a heavy workload..... That much I do understand.

Great replies to question thank you all

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damien Isaak

I agree at least in part with all the above, and I myself have tried to comment on works others have put up. I've even commented on some that were quite long and that was a little taxing to say the least. One discouragement I find, is that when you do leave comments it's rare for the original poster to actually come back to you. Their comments on your review/suggestions could actually help you as much as you hope to help them in the first place.

You don't get many professionals on here (so I understand for the comments at least) and therefore we are all amateurs. That means it is very important to remain constructive and this can be hard when a piece isn't within a genre or style you would not usually dig into.

I have not been on here long but will shortly be uploading something for all to view and comment on. I wonder what will happen?????


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