People come people go

by damien Isaak
11th March 2014

After an illness of nine months I've only just come back to writers and artists website. They're clearly doesn't seem to be many people using this site lately.

Looking through peoples shared work I can see that not many people get much support or comments. Some people have a handful of comments some have one or two some go without a single comment.

What's your reasoning for not commenting on a shared work? Do you only comment on people that comment back to you or is it if the subject suits then you feel fit to leave a comment. My reason... I try not to be judgemental when I am no expert myself.


Hi Damien,

I do look through the shared works quite often but only comment when I really feel I might have something to add, wanting to be constructive. However I see your point and know how it feels when you post something and not many people seem to be looking at it. It might be good if there was a function whereby you could see how many people had actually read your work as opposed to just seeing those who leave comments.

I do try and comment on those people who have taken the time to comment on my work, but sometimes I find it difficult to see if they have any shared work on the site.

I also agree about not wanting to be judgmental when I'm no expert myself, plus it is a highly personal thing to share work, and what may be one writer's voice may not appeal to another, so it's hard sometimes to know what to say.

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