Polishing a terd.

by Sophie Barlow
22nd April 2013


Once one has edited, re-edited, posted up for feedback, edited some more, revised and re-edited again....And feels that they may have something that is not too embarrassing to send to agents( not really in the hope of publishing but just to gauge a reaction).

How many of you carry on editing the rest of the book to the same standard? I have been going through the book and editing over the edits and such. Should we all just focus on the first three chapters in the hope that if its published an editor will help polish the rest?

Not an excuse, I know, and I am going to carry on going through my MS because I'm enjoying the challenge. But I'm wondering what best practice is?



In my case, I always edit the whole story before I attempt to send it out in any form to any audience, regardless of the length. It is particularly important for me that I do this because I will often change a seemingly trivial detail at the end of my MSS, which then requires me to go back to a much earlier point to insert a pertinent clue or alter an inconvenient fact to make it work.

If the worst comes to the worst, I may find myself writing what I call "annoying exceptions". (EG: Magic cannot be used to fight vampires, unless it is in the very specific circumstance that they have not fed in three weeks which just-so-happens to be what has happened here). I don't like exceptions very much as they tend to over-complicate what is already a complicated magical world even further.

Also, editing takes time and I really want to be able to provide the rest of the MSS quickly should it be asked for, rather than have a prospective agent hanging for weeks while I complete the editing.

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Well spotted Astor!

im new here Anthony but welcome back! :D

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Personally, I think the best thing to do is to ensure that you are happy with the whole novel before sending it to an agent. It will only stand you in good stead should they request to see the full manuscript.

I've been editing my novel for the since July last year, albeit with a 6 month break while I moved cities/jobs.Finally, I am ready to get back into editing my novel.

(First post in a while, now things have calmed down a bit *phew*)

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