
by Penny Gadd
19th January 2017

Not a question - more a vent.

I've been submitting my novel to Agents for a year now. I've been taking advice and re-writing. The novel is better than it was. Personally, I'm quite pleased with it. I certainly think it's better than some of the stuff I've read.

I had my 27th rejection today. The usual guff about 'personal taste' and 'other Agents may take a different view'.

That's it.

That novel goes in a drawer. No more re-writing. My literary novel and my blog will be my focus.



Sorry to hear the rejections are getting you down Penny. I've had a dozen already for my book and I'm in the process of editing and polishing it as I realised I may have jumped the gun in sending it out a little prematurely. Have you considered entering it in some competitions? I have read anecdotally that people have had some success this was and many offer networking or editorial reviews as prizes.

I also second the idea of self-publishing it. If I get nowhere with mine I fully intend on sending it out into the ebook aether and let it do its thing.

Lastly, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone, we all struggle getting a foot in the door. Writing can be such a thankless and heartbreaking pursuit!


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Not an answer to your question, but a new tangent.

I say fuggedabout trying to sell a book on its merits. Sometimes networking is the better route. If you have an author friend--or if you have the nerves of steel to go to a conference to meet new people--you can ask for introductions to agents or editors. These days a personal entree can be very useful...

Profile picture for user afreelun_20734
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Have you considered using a professional literary editor?

Rejection slips, or form letters, however tactfully phrased, are lacerations of the soul, if not quite inventions of the devil—but there is no way around them - Isaac Asimov

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