What part of writing do you fear the most?

by Sonya Kar
10th April 2013

If we agree to group the parts as 1: Getting an idea 2: Executing on it and getting the first draft done 3: Begging for feedback while writing or after first draft 4: Improving the first draft and EDITING 5: Defining the market, readership and genre of your book 6. Sending out to publishers and agents?

I have enjoyed parts 1, 2 and 3. But Editing is getting me down as well as is evaluating how attractive my book is to current readers.


Jennifer, I will be taking your advice.

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I wouldn't say I fear any of the stages that I have reached so far (I'm editing).

I find them all challenging and nice little puzzles to solve.

The satisfaction comes in finding a way to get it done. The sense of accomplishment is enormous.

It's hard work and not always fun (though most times it is).

But I enjoy it too much to fear it.

PS Adrian, perfectionism can prevent you achieving your dream.

Perhaps it is time to get the MS out to those professionals now?

Nothing is ever truly completed to our satisfaction. We live and grow and change and develop every day and this will effect the way we view what we write and make us want to keep tinkering and changing and "improving".

At some point you just have to take the leap of faith and get it out there.

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Strangely I find finishing a novel the most frightening, so much so I've stopped working on loads of things to start something else.

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