What part of writing do you fear the most?

by Sonya Kar
10th April 2013

If we agree to group the parts as 1: Getting an idea 2: Executing on it and getting the first draft done 3: Begging for feedback while writing or after first draft 4: Improving the first draft and EDITING 5: Defining the market, readership and genre of your book 6. Sending out to publishers and agents?

I have enjoyed parts 1, 2 and 3. But Editing is getting me down as well as is evaluating how attractive my book is to current readers.


Procrastination: Starting seems to be the hardest part.


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For me, it's one and two I find the hardest. Trying to think of something totally original that hasn't been done before is a real nightmare. I don't find editing too dificult, simply because I edit as I go. If I get an idea later in the story that doesn't exactly tally with the start, then I rewrite the start to accomodate it before the story is complete.

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All of them frighten me.

1. Will the idea run?

2. Why won't it go down on the page how it is in my head?

3. The only feedback I get before it's in a good enough condition for anyone to read is 'Haven't you finished that yet?'

4.Editing - the WORST job in the world. It just goes on and on and on and on...for as long as you let it.

5.That's the easy bit, apart from market and readership ;)

6. Oh, yeah. Maybe I'll have enough rejections to fuel the woodburner this winter.

Writing's hard. If you're brave and persistent enough to have finished a piece to first draft level then you're already past the summit and on the downslope. There are still plenty of boulders blocking your path but if you push at them hard enough they'll roll out of your way.

Just stick at it :)

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