What part of writing do you fear the most?

by Sonya Kar
10th April 2013

If we agree to group the parts as 1: Getting an idea 2: Executing on it and getting the first draft done 3: Begging for feedback while writing or after first draft 4: Improving the first draft and EDITING 5: Defining the market, readership and genre of your book 6. Sending out to publishers and agents?

I have enjoyed parts 1, 2 and 3. But Editing is getting me down as well as is evaluating how attractive my book is to current readers.


All of it scares me, but the worst has to be editing. I'm awful at spelling and I mix words up. But I don't see the mixed up words cos I know how it's supposed to be. It takes others to point it out to me, and that's after me editing ten times already.

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I haven't got further than stage 2 and both stage 1 and 2 are frightening me enough!

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The part of writing I fear is failure. That is why I am no hurry to finish my novel after years of effort. It has to be written to the best of my capabilities.

Twenty plus thorough edits and I am close to the finishing line, but in no hurry to surge across. I have nagging doubts that I may have missed something, or that something needs changing.

That is why I will use a professional literary editor before I consider submitting to agents/agencies. I believe that I am the same as most want-to-be authors, insecure, and in need of reassurance. Besides, I would hate to be published, and then be told my novel had an obvious, or obvious weaknesses.

All that hard work and the demon inside wants me to write a series.

Anyone know a good therapist?

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