Writing a book for the first time.

by Keith Cashin
6th August 2015

Hey, I'm new to this site. I'm writing a book for the first time and would some tips from people who have done it before.

- What did you find hardest?

- How did you get through writes block?

- Methods they found they helped them sit down and create?

- What did you enjoy most about it?

Thanks, if you have any questions to ask me please do.


- What did you find hardest?

There is nothing easy about writing a novel. It's a long exhausting struggle. I would not have undertaken such a task if I wasn't possessed by a demon, that compelled to write a novel from an idea I had as a six year old.

- How did you get through writes block?

I don't suffer from writers block because I planned my novel from the beginning to the end.

- Methods they found they helped them sit down and create?

I lie on the sofa and play the next scene out in my mind. then I write it.

- What did you enjoy most about it?

The most enjoyable aspect of novel writing is character development.

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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Hardest thing? I think sometimes I get too many ideas and I want to do them all. It can be quite hard work to stick with one until I'm at the point of having a finished first draft, where you should leave it for a while before coming back to it (So I've read anyway) As long as you do go back sometime.

I'm not sure I've had actual *block*. I've had sticky patches, and I've not written for a while deliberately to give myself a break and to make me really want to, but more than that, not so much.

As for what I enjoy the most. . . I might have to say it's that moment that can strike at any time: when you're eating, driving, talking to someone, watching something, at work, about to go to sleep, and suddenly you have an idea, or an image of a scene that leads on to the next bit and the next, and you have stuff coming at you so fast, you can't type or even write fast enough to keep up. It can be exhausting and annoying and amazing!

Good luck with your writing!

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What's hardest? Not procrastinating. I want to write, but I can deflect myself so easily. Discipline!

Get round writer's block? Don't keep staring at the last page you wrote. Pick up the story at a later point, and write from there. You can make the link later - and you'll probably do it better for knowing where you are heading.

Sit down, turn off distractions; turn on music if you like that ambiance; and just write.

Most enjoyable? I'm a writer, so doing what I am born to do is pleasure and pain and frustration and the odd eureka moment. Above all it's getting inside my own head and finding another world there, and that's the best job in the world.

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