Writing a book for the first time.

by Keith Cashin
6th August 2015

Hey, I'm new to this site. I'm writing a book for the first time and would some tips from people who have done it before.

- What did you find hardest?

- How did you get through writes block?

- Methods they found they helped them sit down and create?

- What did you enjoy most about it?

Thanks, if you have any questions to ask me please do.


Hi Keith,

What did you find hardest?

The discipline to focus on my writing and see it through. Ironically, this came when I stopped struggling and trying so hard.

How did you get through writers block?

I don’t believe there’s such a thing as writer’s block; only an uncertainty about which direction to take next. Sometimes it’s hard to be non-repetitive but this can be got through with a good outline plan.

Methods they found that helped them sit down and create?

As answered above.

What did you enjoy most about it?

Finding out that writing is my passion and that I could do it; getting rid of the deterring hurdles that told me I wasn’t good enough.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for both your responses, very helpful! I will keep your tips in mind. The book I'm working on is a fiction book aimed at young adults.

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Keith Cashin

The 1st "thumbs up" for Jonathan's comment came from me. It's all good and helpful for new writers, but the line

"It's masochism, really."

deserves TWO "thumbs up".

To answer just 2 of your questions:

I think that the hardest part for me is actually to start writing. The ideas come easily, and I jot them down. I keep finding scraps of paper (supermarket receipts, bus tickets, etc.) with brilliant one-line ideas for potentially fantastic books. I find them behind the sofa and under the bed and in the pockets of trousers that I haven't worn in months... or years.

And I think: "Now, why didn't I DO something with that?"

You'll find how I kicked a bout of writers' block - and the story that resulted - in the longest COMMENT on https://www.writersandartists.co.uk/profile/jimmy-hollis-i-dickson/work

Welcome to W&A!

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