The McVeigh Residency at The Harrison

19th November 2023 12:00am to 26th November 2023 12:00am, The Harrison Chambers of Distinction

Would you like to spend a week writing in the beautiful surroundings of The Harrison Chambers of Distinction, in Belfast? How about writing advice sessions from four of Northern Ireland’s finest writers? Reading advice and free books from No Alibis books? A lesson on reading your work live from one of Northern Ireland’s finest actors? Free membership to two online communities with all their resources? How about a publishing advice session and a career advice session with two top writing industry consultants? And to top it all a manuscript assessment from the UK’s top literary consultancy?

The Harrison has quickly established itself as one of the best places to stay in Belfast. These unique chambers of distinction have become a mecca for visting artists, musicians and writers to stay. When Paul McVeigh stayed there at the beginning of lockdown he spoke with the charismatic owner Melanie Harrison about doing something literary the venue and the seeds of the residency where planted. Once a residency was settled upon, Paul made a list of everything he thought would help an emerging writer go to the next level and went about acquiring it for them. He then thought about writers who couldn’t physically travel or take the time of work or family or carer commitments and came up with the idea for another winner who would receive an at-home residency with as many of the same benefits as possible. The Paul McVeigh Residency at The Harrison was born. 

What does the residency offer?


Both writers will have an online session with Kit deWaal to discuss how to make the most of the most of the residency.

During Residency

One place will be a residential at, The Harrison, Malone Road, Belfast. The other place will offer a writer unable to physically attend (eg. a carer, medical reasons) an adapted at-home residency.

The resident at The Harrison will receive breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

Both writers will get a one-hour session with some of Northern Ireland’s finest writers, the multi-award-winning – Lucy Caldwell, Jan Carson, Wendy Erskine and Bernie McGill. (Potentially in person at The Harrison residency, or online, depending on the author’s schedules. The at-home residency sessions are on zoom).

There is also a session with stage and screen actor Tony Flynn who will work both writers on reading their work in public for those future launches and festivals.

The writers will have a session with David Torrens of the legendary No Alibis Bookstore who will talk to them about thier writing style and suggest authors and books to read and will even give some for free.

Follow On Help 

The Literary Consultancy (TLC) will give both writers a manuscript assessment report on their work in progress (up to 30,000 word extracts) worth £450 each.  If preferred, the writers may use this £450 as TLC credit against any of our other services including Developmental Editing and Mentoring. 

Aki Schilz, Director at TLC, will give both writers a one-on-one career advice session. 

One year membership to Jericho Writers which includes - all their online events, free courses, blogs, articles and more. Discounts on paid editorial services and agent 1-1s etc. 

Free Membership to Royal Society of Literature  

Free membership of online which will last until the writers are published.

Anna Burtt of Jericho Writers will give each writer a half hour Zoom publishing consultancy.

£100 towards travel to the residency (We will discuss travel arrangements with you.)

Booking & payment

Writers can apply by sending a 2000 word work sample to


The Harrison Chambers of Distinction
45 Malone Rd
United Kingdom

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