Writing Ghost Stories - 4-week course

2nd May 2023 8:00pm to 23rd May 2023 9:30pm


4-week online course

Tuesdays 2nd-23rd May, 7pm-8:30pm

Tickets £40, sessions delivered via Google Meet
Booking and info at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/writing-ghost-stories-4-week-course-tickets-567736584407

This 4-week course examines the essentials of writing a ghost story, bound to bring a chill to the spring air! Led by lecturer and workshopper Alex Davis, the course will include tips on writing techniques, discussions, writing exercises and more.

Week 1 - Course Introduction and Atmosphere

Week 2 - Characterisation in Ghost Stories

Week 3 - Pacing and the Reveal

Week 4 - Ghost Stories in Publishing

All sessions will be recorded for participants, with recordings, slides and handouts provided to the group via Dropbox.

For any queries, email Alex at alexdavisevents@hotmail.co.uk

Booking & payment

£40 from https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/writing-ghost-stories-4-week-course-tickets-567736584407

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