After an illness of nine months I've only just come back to writers and artists website. They're clearly doesn't seem to be many people using this site lately.
Looking through peoples shared work I can see that not many people get much support or comments. Some people have a handful of comments some have one or two some go without a single comment.
What's your reasoning for not commenting on a shared work? Do you only comment on people that comment back to you or is it if the subject suits then you feel fit to leave a comment. My reason... I try not to be judgemental when I am no expert myself.
Hey, Damien...
Okay, even I haven't come on this site for ages, but for completely different reasons: I tend to get bored of sites easily: Like the first 3 weeks, I'm obsessed with the site, then I dont visit it for a whole month! That's what's happened here.
But then again, Yes... I don't often read Shared work, coz I'm usually stuck for time. On the rare occation I do, I look of for genres I like. And the legnth of the work counts too; I read it only if they are short.
I agree with Helen, It'll be useful if Admin added a button which shows how many people have read the work.
As for commenting, I generally comment only if I really like the work, or if I have some sort of constructive critisism, because I believe it can become awesome work one day
Felicity hope you get well soon.
Hi Damien,
I’m sorry you’ve been ill and I hope you’re better now. I’m chronically unwell (I won’t bore you with a list of ailments), which is why it’s difficult for me to find time to comment here, on top of trying to keep my business afloat while having some sort of social life! Also, I have no knowledge of many genres and I agree with Katie on commenting constructively :-)