
by Isabella Hynde
25th March 2012

I've been reading the blogs and questions and answers on this site and realise that we're all waiting for something. We might be waiting for the results of the Short Story Competition (hint hint), waiting to hear from an agent (missing or not), waiting for the next inspiring thought, or for the next comment on our shared works. What are you waiting for and how do you handle the waiting?


Maybe I'll become patient too, Susanne. The funny thing about Flash Fiction is that you think it would be quick to write and quick to judge, but it sounds like it's the opposite. I haven't done it yet but I want to. I can imagine it's very challenging to write. I find it hard to write a brief comment on this site!

Liz, I empathise completely. That's exactly how I feel about the Short Story Competition. Sorry everyone. This must be the hundredth time I've mentioned this. Just in case admin are listening (reading), we're still waiting - and not very patiently!!! :-(

Profile picture for user texangir_20211
330 points
Developing your craft
Isabella Hynde

Waiting, while banging my head against the wall, for the BBC Laugh Track comedy script shortlist to come out. It's painful... waiting that is. I've got immune to banging my head against the wall.

Profile picture for user lizcorre_3516
270 points
Practical publishing
Short stories
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Speculative Fiction
Gothic and Horror
Liz Correal

I'm waiting for news on a few flash fiction entries -(which I have actually forgotten about till now) I'm also waiting for some inspiration to re-write the first few chapters of my novel that I've been drafting for quite some time.

I would have been waiting for my full m/s to be read by Pegasus Elliot McKenzie if I hadn't have found out that they were really vanity publishers :-(

One thing I have become since writing is PATIENT. I've actually amazed myself.

Profile picture for user redvista_21741
330 points
Developing your craft
susanne brindle