
by Isabella Hynde
25th March 2012

I've been reading the blogs and questions and answers on this site and realise that we're all waiting for something. We might be waiting for the results of the Short Story Competition (hint hint), waiting to hear from an agent (missing or not), waiting for the next inspiring thought, or for the next comment on our shared works. What are you waiting for and how do you handle the waiting?


Hi Louise

It sounds like there's a lot of hope if you have that much work out and 2 shortlisted!!!! I'm so chuffed for you. Anyone who reads this will be keeping their fingers and toes crossed for you. Please let us know when you have that email or phone call that says it's all steam ahead, will you. That will give us all a little more hope. You took the words right out of my mouth when you said there's all that hope and potential of success!

To Victoria Whithear, I'm impressed with the amount of work you've done, and I think I know what you're waiting for . . . . . . . . . a little more courage. :-p You've taken the courageous step of putting what's in your head on paper. That takes a huge amount of courage. And now you need a bit more to get it out there. I can really empathise. I had to challenge myself to understand why I wasn't sending my first full length novel out, and I came up with the answer. Courage and maybe fear of rejection. I just sent the first few chapters of my first full length novel off and I felt such a sense of freedom and relief. The worst that can happen is that someone will say no. And if they do, then think of all that potential for improvement.

Thank you, T.O. Buhrer. I think you're right about needing something to wait for. You need it, but you don't always want it. Like eating greens when you're very young. I know the waiting is good for the soul, but I don't want to wait. I feel the child in me saying, 'I want it, and I want it now!'

I've been waiting to hear back about the Short Story Competition, because like Louise, I feel that it will somehow give me a credit to my name. It'll be something that might encourage an agent to read what I've written. I'm also waiting to hear back from agents on the first of a series of children's picture books. I've written two series and just sent off my first. I've also just submitted my first full length novel in YA/women's genre.

Hi Christina, I like your honest response. I guess I could say that I just gave myself a good kick up the backside. I think our mss should be as good as they can be, but when they are, let's just tell ourselves this, 'We'll never get published unless we send them off and the worse thing that an agent can say is 'No thank you.' That's not so very scary is it?

The best of luck to us all while we're waiting.

Profile picture for user texangir_20211
330 points
Developing your craft
Isabella Hynde

Hi Isabella,

I'm waiting for me to give myself a good kick up the rear end so I get it into gear.

Profile picture for user lanarkla_14626
330 points
Developing your craft
Film, Music, Theatre, TV and Radio
Short stories
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Middle Grade (Children's)
Picture Books (Children's)
Speculative Fiction
Gothic and Horror
Christina Howland

Lovely question, Isabella.

I think we all must have something to wait for. This always gives to life a particular spice which make things seem more exciting.

In my case, I'm waiting for the epic moment in which I'll finish my first novel and submit it to an agent.

But... what about you, Isabella? What are you waiting for?

Profile picture for user thi1900@_21370
T. O.
330 points
Developing your craft
T. O. Bührer