Writing a book for the first time.

by Keith Cashin
6th August 2015

Hey, I'm new to this site. I'm writing a book for the first time and would some tips from people who have done it before.

- What did you find hardest?

- How did you get through writes block?

- Methods they found they helped them sit down and create?

- What did you enjoy most about it?

Thanks, if you have any questions to ask me please do.


Hi Keith,

I'm new to the book writing club as well. It's been a couple of weeks since you asked your question so I hope you're moving forward.

- What did you find hardest?

Having never attempted to write a Novel before I found the hardest part was convincing myself that I could do it, to be able to get my ideas down in a understandable story like fashion.

- How did you get through writes block?

Not having a deadline, it started out as a 'Can I do it?', I just tended to step away from the computer, walk the dog and try not to think about it. I ended up discovering that I would write more fluently whilst lying in bed at night.

- Methods they found they helped them sit down and create?

Coming from a Software Development background I treated it a Development project using Agile methodology. Essentially you beak the task down into smaller parts (chapters/scenes/paragraps/etc), and then keep breaking it down until you have tasks that don't look so daunting that they scare you or put you off.

- What did you enjoy most about it?

Seeing the idea, the story, come to life every time I read through what I'd written.

Good luck.

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- What did you find hardest?

Writing around a busy job. Trying to fit all the pieces in my head together so that the story still made sense, one hundred pages in.

- How did you get through writes block?

Coffee! A bit of a jolt to the brain really helps me. Also, just walking away and doing something completely different - taking a shower, brushing your teeth. Mundane, physical acts allow you to free up your brain and it often stumbles upon a solution.

- Methods they found they helped them sit down and create?

A nice place to write - sunshine, for me. Fresh air. And coffee :)

- What did you enjoy most about it?

The escapism of disappearing into a different world for a couple of hours.

Profile picture for user billingh_40800
270 points
Developing your craft
Kate Billingham

Hi Keith

I like the sound of your book.

Write everyday, your book will guide you to do just that.

I often listen to music and that drive me to the next scene.

It's important to plan, write a summary of each chapter so you know where you are going.

Bring your characters to life with their own biography which includes their goal.

When you have written the first chapter, please post it.

I'd love to read it.

Keep writing.

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