Writing time

by susan Russell
5th February 2014

Seeing as writing is a very time consuming and somewhat anti-social occupation how do you make space for it without annoying partners/family? Do you just fit in bits & pieces around everyday life, or do you set aside a regular specific time when you're not to be disturbed and keep to it rigidly?


I always found it hard to find time to write until my husband suggested he did the cooking and shopping - what a difference that has made, now I can write all morning and afternoon sometimes too. Mind you, we get some strange meals, but I don't care.

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Ha.ha.mum always gets mad when their children, be they young children or adult ones spend a long time toying with their computers. I reckon your mum must be real mad judging by your capitalized VERY. A hearty chuckle!

It seems like many of us, due to our work commitments, have to find a special time to write. Sometimes, ideas seem to be popping here and there but because of sheer exhaustion from work, our brains refuse to work. I believe mental lethargy can cause writer's block too.

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Thank's to everyone for taking the time to add their thoughts. I tend to write in little concentrated spurts between doing other things, although I do have to make a dash for the notebook at other times when inspiration hits. Seeing it as a 'job' is a good idea and what I'm aiming for, but can't quite shake off the mild guilt when I squirrel myself away. Now, if I ever manage to get something published I expect I'll be able to flounce importantly into my study and feel justified. :)

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susan Russell