Hi everyone
I've currently editing my MS and have had very mixed feedback about the prologue. The consensus seems to be that it should stay in, but I have 2 versions and the feedback on both of them has been quite conflicting - I appreciate people have different pov's. But as of yet no-one has really been able to compare the two together, as only one is ever on the MS at one time - obviously.
So I'd thought I'd ask the lovely people here at W&A what you think.
It's been suggested that the first one may make the protagonist seem a bit too ruthless. And the second one people seemed to love or hate. The gripe being that it gives the game away too soon - it doesn't though, but readers wouldn't know that.
I'd really appreciate any thoughts if people have the time, or inclination to have a look. It's on my shared work. And each prologue is just a couple of hundred words each.
Thanks in advance.
Thankyou John.
Hello. I found p2 more immediately engaging, Nathan's voice being more dynamic and hooking me in. The only caveat being, are you giving too much away right at the start?. On a second reading I wonder if the Gina voice created a smoother intro, saving more to come out gradually? On balance I suppose you do need immediate impact so P2 shades it as the one I would go with.